
Tasks to handle HST imsets.


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The imgtools.mstools package contains tasks for working with STIS, NICMOS, ACS, and WFC3 data. Some tasks are ’extensions” of existing tasks in the STSDAS system, and support other instruments/file formats as well.



Please review the Notes section above before running any examples in this notebook

These tasks contain various methods for deleting or moving extensions around in FITS files. This can be easily done using the module in Astropy. Here is a good page to familarize yourself with this package.


Please review the Notes section above before running any examples in this notebook

The original mscombine IRAF task performed image combination of several SCI exetensions of HST data while allowing the user to reject specified DQ bits. Additionally, the user could choose to combine the stack using the average or the median.

This mscombine alternative uses the bitfield_to_boolean_mask task and numpy masked arrays to avoid using flagged pixels in the DQ array. In this simple example, we average-combine several full-frame WFC3/UVIS images.

Tasks for image combination are currently being developed in the CCDPROC package, see the CCDPROC doc page for more details or the images.imutil.imsum task for a short usage example.

# Standard Imports
import glob
import numpy as np

# Astronomy Specific Imports
from import fits
from import bitfield_to_boolean_mask
# Get the data
test_data = glob.glob('/eng/ssb/iraf_transition/test_data/mscombine/*_blv_tmp.fits')
# Create masked arrays
masked_arrays_ext1, masked_arrays_ext2, masked_arrays_ext4, masked_arrays_ext5 = [], [], [], []
for filename in test_data:
    with as hdulist:

            # For UVIS chip 2
            mask_ext3 = np.invert(bitfield_to_boolean_mask(hdulist[3].data, ignore_flags=0))
            masked_arrays_ext1.append([1].data, mask=mask_ext3))
            masked_arrays_ext2.append([2].data, mask=mask_ext3))

            # For UVIS chip 1
            mask_ext6 = np.invert(bitfield_to_boolean_mask(hdulist[6].data, ignore_flags=0))
            masked_arrays_ext4.append([4].data, mask=mask_ext6))
            masked_arrays_ext5.append([5].data, mask=mask_ext6))
# Average-combine SCI arrays
comb_ext1 =, axis=0).data
comb_ext4 =, axis=0).data
# Propoagate uncertainties for ERR arrays, divide by zero expected
weight_image_ext1 = np.zeros((2051, 4096))
weight_image_ext4 = np.zeros((2051, 4096))
for array in masked_arrays_ext1:
    mask = array.mask
    weight_image_ext1[np.where(mask == False)] += 1.0
for array in masked_arrays_ext4:
    mask = array.mask
    weight_image_ext4[np.where(mask == False)] += 1.0
masked_arrays_ext2_squared = [(item * (1/weight_image_ext1))**2 for item in masked_arrays_ext2]
masked_arrays_ext5_squared = [(item * (1/weight_image_ext4))**2 for item in masked_arrays_ext5]
comb_ext2 = np.sqrt(, axis=0)).data
comb_ext5 = np.sqrt(, axis=0)).data
/Users/ogaz/miniconda2/envs/irafdev2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  # Remove the CWD from sys.path while we load stuff.
/Users/ogaz/miniconda2/envs/irafdev2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  # This is added back by InteractiveShellApp.init_path()
# Create empty DQ arrays
comb_ext3 = np.zeros((2051, 4096))
comb_ext6 = np.zeros((2051, 4096))
# Build and save the combined file, using the first final for the header
hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=fits.getheader(test_data[0], 0))
hdu1 = fits.ImageHDU(comb_ext1, header=fits.getheader(test_data[0], 0))
hdu2 = fits.ImageHDU(comb_ext2, header=fits.getheader(test_data[0], 1))
hdu3 = fits.ImageHDU(comb_ext3, header=fits.getheader(test_data[0], 2))
hdu4 = fits.ImageHDU(comb_ext4, header=fits.getheader(test_data[0], 3))
hdu5 = fits.ImageHDU(comb_ext5, header=fits.getheader(test_data[0], 4))
hdu6 = fits.ImageHDU(comb_ext6, header=fits.getheader(test_data[0], 5))
hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu0, hdu1, hdu2, hdu3, hdu4, hdu5, hdu6])
hdulist.writeto('/eng/ssb/iraf_transition/test_data/mscombine/test.fits', overwrite=True)


Please review the Notes section above before running any examples in this notebook

The msstatictics task is similiar to images.imutil.imstatistics, but with the added capability to mask using HST bit masking in the Data Quality extensions. Here we show an example of the bitfield_to_boolean_mask function.

# Astronomy Specific Imports
from import fits
from astropy import stats
from import bitfield_to_boolean_mask
# Change these values to your desired data files
test_data = '/eng/ssb/iraf_transition/test_data/iczgs3ygq_flt.fits'
hdulist =

# Make mask, using bits 32 and 4
boolean_mask = bitfield_to_boolean_mask(hdulist[3].data,"~4,128")

# The sigma_clipped_stats function returns the mean, median, and stddev respectively
mean, median, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(hdulist[1].data, mask=boolean_mask, sigma=2.0, iters=3)
print("mean: {}".format(mean))
print("median: {}".format(median))
print("standard deviation: {}".format(std))

# Close fits file
mean: 2.05237880697
median: 0.847149193287
standard deviation: 2.83607972172

Not Replacing

  • msarith - Image arithmetic with NICMOS and STIS files. See images.imutil.imarith.
  • mscopy - Copy image sets of a multi-extension FITS file. See images.imutil.imcopy
  • mssort - Sort a FITS file to get all extensions of like version number. Deprecated.